Meaning Antigen presenting cell
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Antigen presenting cell

A cell that facilitates the immune response by holding foreign antigens with major histocompatibility complex (MHC)


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Antigen presenting cell

Antigen presenting cells (APC) are cells of the immune system that engulf dead or foreign cells and other material, which they chop up into smaller sections. APCs present these fragments to T cells, w [..]


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Antigen presenting cell

a type of cell which processes proteins from both foreign agents and self and presents fragments of these proteins on their surfaces for recognition by elements of the immune system.
Source: (offline)


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Antigen presenting cell

A cell that recognizes an antigen to be neutralized, processes it, and incorporates the resulting peptides into the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on the cell surface. The resulting MHC-peptide complexes are then presented to T-lymphocyte for destruction.
Source: (offline)


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Antigen presenting cell

A cell that carries on its surface antigen bound to MHC Class I or Class II molecules, and presents the antigen in this "context" to T-cells. Includes macrophages, endothelium, dendritic cells and Langerhans cells of the skin.
Source: (offline)

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